
Volunteers are the backbone of KWVA and the key to our success. Each week, it takes over 90 volunteers to keep the station on air live 24-hours a day.

KWVA is the only place on campus where student volunteers can gain broadcast, production and radio operation experience. From marketing to programming, to news and production, student and community volunteers keep KWVA going and growing.

Unless otherwise noted, volunteer positions are open to both students and non-students.


Being a KWVA DJ is a lot of fun. You pick your music, have access to KWVA’s diverse music library and program your show.

Contact the KWVA DJ Director for more information.

DJ Application Form

News Announcer

The KWVA news department is the only place on campus where you can get hands-on real-world news reporting experience.

Contact the KWVA News Director for more information.

Sports Announcer

KWVA has a strong sports department with connections to the UO Athletic Department. We broadcast non-revenue sports games live both on-air and for GoDucks.com in the fall and spring.

Contact the KWVA Sports Director for more details.

How To Apply

Stop by the station and pick up an application or click on one of the links above for instant download

Format Director

There are eight format directors, one for each of these genres: Acoustic/Folk, Jazz, Hip-Hop/Rap, Local, Loud Rock, Pop, RPM, World. Format directors are responsible for procurement of genre-specific music, reviewing, adding to the library, weekly charting, and communication with promotion companies. No experience is necessary but a strong knowledge of the genre is required.

For more information, contact the KWVA Music Department and include “Format Director Volunteer” in the subject line.

Live Events

KWVA is live all over town and we need help being there. From set-up, tabling, coordinating with the event staff, and scheduling our own staff, we need volunteers to make live events happen. This is a way to get out and see the community plus interact with people who put on events. No experience is necessary and you’ll be sure to get plenty of KWVA T-shirts to wear!

For more information, contact the KWVA Marketing Director and include “Live Events Volunteer” in the subject line.

Music Library

With all the new music that comes in we need help cycling music through the library. Everything from removing old music and adding music to the digital library, to alphabetizing and labelling fall into this category of volunteering.

If you’d like to help us with the library, contact the KWVA Music Department and include “Music Library Volunteer” in the subject line.


Do you want to be a news reporter? The KWVA news department is the only place on campus where you can get hands-on real-world news reporting experience. This is a great resume builder if you’re interested in a news career, plus we have some amazing connections to help you get a real job when you finish! No experience is necessary, we can teach you the basics of reporting and give you the necessary tools and skills to go out and get the news.

News Volunteers are eligible for on-air opportunities after they have been oriented with the station, sit as a board operator for one term [3 months] and do reporting, production and script writing.

If you’re interested in getting involved with KWVA News, contact the KWVA News Department and include “News Volunteer” in the subject line.

Office Support

What office doesn’t have extra filing, phones to answer and organizing to do? We’re always in need of help with small projects around the office. If you have a bit of time on your hands and would like to lend a hand, we’d love to have you. No time commitment is too big or too small, and there is no need to make a regular commitment… we’ll take whatever you can give! Of course no experience is necessary, but knowledge of basic computer programs is helpful.

For more information, or to help, contact the KWVA General Manager and include “Office Work Volunteer” in the subject line.


Are you creative? Do you like to mix audio, use sound effects, help others? Then production awaits you! The KWVA production department make all kinds of pre-recorded announcements for broadcast, including Public Service Announcements, Promotional and Underwriting spots, event announcements, and many more. You’ll also get to help the news department with production of stories, reports, and training their staff to use the production facilities.

This is probably the most creative opportunity at KWVA because you get to edit audio and create new announcements that will get aired at all hours. This is a fun and flexible position, no experience is necessary and we provide all training and tools.

For more information, contact the KWVA Production Director and include “Production Volunteer” in the subject line.


Want to help spread the word about the station? We’re always looking for people to help us table at events [a.k.a. you can get into a show for free if you help us for a bit] and hand out flyers. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about KWVA so you can share us with the world, plus you’ll get a free t-shirt to wear!

If you are interested in helping promote KWVA, contact the KWVA Marketing Director and include “Promotion Volunteer” in the subject line.

Review Music

We get more than 200 CDs per week… that’s a lot of music! And we need help listening to it. We get all genres so there is sure to be something for you.

If you’d like to help us listen to some of the new stuff, contact the KWVA Music Department and include “Music Review Volunteer” in the subject line.


Special Events

Live bands on-air, interviews with touring bands/artists, a last-minute live broadcast opportunity, these are just some of the special events we do at KWVA. Similar to live events, these special events are a great way to see the community and interact with artists and the people who put on events. No experience is necessary and you’ll be sure to get plenty of KWVA T-shirts to wear!

For more information, contact the KWVA Marketing Director and include “Special Events Volunteer” in the subject line.


Like sports? Want to learn about sports radio? Want to do sports radio? Then this is the volunteer niche for you! KWVA has a strong sports department with connections to the UO Athletic Department. We broadcast non-revenue sports games live both on-air and for GoDucks.com in the fall and spring. We’re always looking for people to help set-up for remotes and the regular sports show, help with interviews, write and record stories and, of course, go to games. This is a great resume builder if you’re interested in a news career, plus we have some amazing connections to help you get a real job when you finish.

Sports Volunteers are eligible for on-air opportunities after they have been oriented with the station, sit as a board operator for one term [3 months] and do sports reporting, production and script writing.
Students only position.

If you’re interested in getting involved with KWVA Sports, contact the KWVA Sports Department and include “Sports Volunteer” in the subject line.

Other Ways To Get Involved

Check out our student stipend and DJ/Announcer opportunities.

Student Stipend